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Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts

Friday 7 October 2016

Mac Malware Can Secretly Spy On Your Webcam and Mic – Here's How to Stay Safe

Apple Mac Computers are considered to be much safer than Windows at keeping viruses and malware out of its environment, but that’s simply not true anymore.

It's not because Mac OS X is getting worse every day, but because hackers are getting smart and sophisticated these days.

The bad news for Mac users is that malware targeting webcams and microphones has now come up for Mac laptops as well.

Patrick Wardle, an ex-NSA staffer who heads up research at security intelligence firm Synack, discovered a way for Mac malware to tap into your live feeds from Mac's built-in webcam and microphone to locally record you even without detection.

Wardle is the same researcher who has discovered a number of security weaknesses in Apple products, including ways to bypass the Gatekeeper protections in OS X.

Wardle also released a free tool calledRansomWhere? earlier this year that has generic detection capabilities for Mac OS X ransomware variants.

Wardle is scheduled to present his new findings at the Virus Bulletin conference in Denver later today, along with his research demonstratinghow malware could easily piggyback on your legitimate webcam sessions to keep its spying activity hidden.

Yes, piggybacking legitimate webcam sessions initiated by you.

Here's How Mac Malware Works:

Since Mac's firmware-level protection lights the green LED for any unauthorized access to user's webcam, Wardle believes that attackers can use a malicious app that quietly monitors the system for any outgoing feed of an existing webcam session – like a Skype or FaceTime call – where the light indicator would already be ON.

The malware then piggybacks the victim's webcam or microphone to secretly record both audio and video session, without any visible indication of this malicious activity and any fear of detection.

In his paper presentation, titled 'Getting Duped: Piggybacking on Webcam Streams for Surreptitious Recordings,' Wardle outlines the threat along with countermeasures to detect "secondary" processes that try to access an existing video session on OS X.

How to Prevent Your WebCam and Mic from Being Hacked

Wardle has developed and released a free tool, dubbed OverSight, which not only monitors webcam and microphone activities but also alerts you when a secondary process accesses your webcam, asking whether you want to allow or block access.

Oversight is a free download from Wardle’s website.

Moreover, physically covering your webcam – like what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and FBI Director James Comey do – also offers a low-tech approach to keeping snoopers away.


Thursday 6 October 2016

Forget Samsung Galaxy Note 7, iPhone 7 is exploding too!

Images of new iPhone 7 have surfaced online and it appears that the smartphone caught on fire due to some kind of explosion.

Forget Samsung Galaxy Note 7, iPhone 7 is exploding too!

We all know very well that the all new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus arrived this month and the new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus promise to revolutionize the market for smartphones. It was one of the most talked and hot topics in recent days.
We have seen Samsung Galaxy Note 7 had some serious problem in the factory battery anode and cathode cell contact, resulting in overheating and can cause the battery to catch fire, hence, the phone explodes following it not iPhone 7 catches fire inside the box.
Due to various reasons, the new iPhone 7 is been in the limelight for quite some time. Now another reason had popped up on the internet that might help Apple to be in the limelight for some more time. Images of a fully burnt iPhone 7 have surfaced online and it appears that the smartphone caught on fire due to some kind of explosion.
Forget Samsung Galaxy Note 7, iPhone 7 is exploding too!
Forget Samsung Galaxy Note 7, iPhone 7 is exploding too!
The image actually surfaced on Reddit where the owner “kroopthesnoop” posted the image and claimed that the device exploded and caught fire right inside the box itself. If we take a brief look at the image above the phone does look in terrible condition as the explosion completely ripped the device apart.
However, there were not enough proof to support the claim to be true but the photograph seems to look like a legitimate one. There is the possibility that the photo is totally fake. The phone in it may have damaged in some other way just to create a hoax.
It will be too early to speculate on this issue as we don’t have much needed genuine information about this so iPhone users needn’t worry too much for now. However, if any user notice any unusual heating in their smartphone they should immediately report it to their nearest service center.


iFhone 8 Commercial Leaked: The iFhone Which Is “Completely Not Redesigned”

The new iFhone 8 is simply an incredible device which has the potential to take over the iPhone. Actually, the new iFhone 8 has some extraordinary things to offer read out to know about it.

iFhone 8 Commercial Leaked: The iFhone Which Is “Completely Not Redesigned”

As we all know that Cupertino giant Apple confirmed their new iPhone 7 on 7th September 2016 with dual-camera and no headphone jack. There were a lot of fun around the corners that simply describes the new iPhone 7 series.
We had seen one Redditor uploaded the image of iPhone 7 exploding we have also seen the video from @Techrax which shows drilling their iPhone will make them insert the missing 3.5mm headphone jack.
We have also recently spotted than a man calmly destroys iPhones and MacBooks on Display in Apple store. So it’s all happening with the new iPhone 7. Following this, we have another fun news that claimed to compete with iPhone .
Actually there in an Apple iPhone spoof that is going viral on Youtube. It was the comedian Ryan Higa who stars in a “Leaked commercial” for the new and advanced iFhone 8. Not only these Ryan Higa also released the behind-the-scenes footage about filming the video.
The video opens up with an “Introducing, the all new completely redesigned iFhone 7.. oops iFhone 8!” Well, iPhone 7 comes up with two cameras ? They have added two more cameras making it “Quad Camera” you can now have four same exact pictures with Quad Camera
Not only this the spoof video also added 3 charging ports and is Waterproof will don’t have keyboard and it is available in many colors like Matte Black, Shiny Matte Black, Light Skin Brotha Black, Jack Black, Jack Black On a Hot day,
And the best and interesting part is the iFhone 8 will only cost $1. You need to watch the video find out more about the iFhone 8. Here’s is the video.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

The Apple Watch’s unlock feature could turn the smartwatch tides

Pull on your commenting pants because I’m going to offer up some wild speculation coupled with real-world experience to come to a conclusion that some of you might find ludicrous and others will find just weird. Here we go: I think the Apple Watch’s Mac unlock feature is one of the most compelling things about the watch itself and could turn the smartwatch tides if more manufacturers figure out how to get their wearables to talk to more and more devices.

I rarely wore my Apple Watch until WatchOS 3. I’m a mechanical watch guy so usually I’d strap on something I was testing or one of my other pieces. Now, however, I’m facing a dilemma – do I type in my password on my iMac and my MacBook or do I simply wear my Apple Watch. I’m trending towards the latter and my dumb watches are gathering dust.

The Apple Watch doesn’t do much. It has a few great features and the second edition looks pretty interesting on a sports front but I’ve stopped wearing it to exercise and I can’t really take it with me when I travel so there’s not much call to strap it on in the morning. But, as Danny Meyer discovered, the Apple Watch – and any smartwatch, really – is a great way to consume ambient information. It is also a great way to transmit ambient information like your heart rate, smiley stickers, and, in this case, your password.

Not having to type in my password (which is “IamnotanAppleshill,” by the way) is a small but compelling reason to eschew my dumb watches and folks like Samsung would do well to figure out a way to do the same thing for Windows and Linux. I’d love for my phone to unlock automatically as long as it was, say, a few from my watch. I’d love for my TV to react to my watch, setting up my favorite channels and picking up the media I’ve been consuming. In short, I’d like my watch to be my passport to the digital world. And, because of this one afterthought of a feature, it’s clear that it can be.

A month ago I made a dire prediction: the Swiss watch industry is doomed. I still think this is true. You can say that smartwatches are undignified and ugly and that mechanical watches are better but I would argue that the Blackberry was undignified and ugly but that didn’t stop the rich and famous from tapping away on those ugly blue phones for almost a decade. In this pitiless world utility trumps artistry. Mac unlock is just one thorn in the Swiss watch industry’s side but it is one that cuts deepest because, in the end, it will become the most useful in melding humanity with technology.


Saturday 1 October 2016

Bengaluru-Based WitWorks Wants to Take on the Apple Watch and Android Wear

  • The Blink is a smartwatch that is compatible with Android and iOS
  • It runs a custom OS called Marvin thats based on Android 5.1
  • It is expected to be available from November
  • Smartwatches have not really caught on yet. Android Wear devices are rarely seen, and while it’s more common to see an iPhone owner with an Apple Watch, the sales haven’t been impressive. According to one Indian company, the problem isn’t in wearables as a category, but the approach that mobile giants took towards the category.

In Bengaluru’s Koramangala neighbourhood you’ll find plenty of startups, from companies that make Facebook bots to ones that make actual robots. In a co-working space across the road from a coffee shop that’s always overflowing with people making presentations and holding interviews, Gadgets 360 met with Somnath Meher, co-founder and CEO of WitWorks. The company launched as a crowdsourced product design platform, and released a product called Trippy, which lets you connect your old speakers to a Wi-Fi network for wireless streaming.

Since then, WitWorks has pivoted – it’s not a marketplace of ideas anymore, but a product company, Meher says, and its first device, the one that could make or break its future, is a smartwatch called Blink. According to Meher, the company decided that it wanted to build a wearable, and after considering different possibilities, decided on a smartwatch. The Blink is based on Android, but doesn’t use Android Wear – instead it runs on a highly customised version of Android 5.1 that WitWorks is calling Marvin.

“It’s forked from Android 5.1,” says Meher, “but we kept only the kernel and the hardware abstraction layer. We built almost everything else from the ground up. The existing smartwatches just bring the same kind of interaction that you have on the phone, to your wrist, and we felt that you needed to rethink the way people are going to use this device. We had to do something from the ground up.”


Android or iOS: What Do the Gadgets 360 Writers Use, and Why?


  • Android has the majority of users today
  • Apple still rules the roost in terms of polish
  • A lot of people find the ability to customise Android phones appealing
Android and iOS now contribute to over 99 percent of all smartphones sold in recent times. This two-horse race is the cause of hour-long debates between the advocates of either clan. While some ardently stand by their platform of choice for years, a few others perpetually keep thinking that the grass is greener on the other side.
Gadgets 360 is run by people, and as individuals we’re bound to have our own preferences. While we don’t let these individual preferences cloud our judgement when it comes to giving all products we come across a fair run, as you would expect, most of us have strong opinions on most things tech, and this extends to our choice of mobile platform. We thought it would be interesting to share these points of view with our readers. So, without further ado, take a look at what the experts think, and why they consider sticking to either iOS or Android.
Rishi Alwani (iOS) — Hardware lasts longer. As if Apple dips its phones in the Lazarus Pit before sending them out to us. To put that into perspective, pre-iOS 10, I moved from a Nexus 6 to an iPhone 5s. Best decision ever. Has lasted longer than most of my other phones. And I go through a lot. Just waiting on the iPhone 6s to get a price drop before buying. Because the hardware lasts ridiculously long, a combination of buying a generation old and discounts makes it feasible in a country like ours where iOS devices are expensive.
Gopal Sathe (Android) — After being one of the BlackBerry Boys, I ended up drafted into the Android Army, but it wasn't because of any particular choice - it's just a lot more affordable than joining the Apple faithful. My tablet (yes, I believe there's room for those in our computing life) is an iPad Pro, and it's the best device I've got. And iPhones are great too - but they're also really expensive. And while there was a big difference between an iPhone and a more affordable Android phone in the past, today the gap has narrowed, and, for me, Apple fails to justify the premium.
Ali Pardiwala (Android) — I'm a loyal Android user not out of love for Android, but more out of a lack of enthusiasm for iOS or any other smartphone operating system. Android may have its flaws, but it's an open system that gives you access to lakhs of apps and services (some of them unique), as well as a diverse set of Google's own services which boost your smartphone's capability at the native level.
At this stage, I'm heavily dependent on Google's cloud services, and the fact that Android's open nature makes it possible for me to buy a device of my choosing when it comes to hardware and software.
Abhinav Lal (Android) — There are several obvious things Android has that are lacking on iOS. These are the ability to customise, a user-accessible file system, and the ability to sideload apps. Another major difference is actually in a way a symptom of the first missing feature – and that is a user interface that is effectively crippled by Apple continuing to stick with a single-button interface. There is no implementation of on-screen navigation options to augment the single button, nor does Apple allow users to install ‘launchers’ or otherwise provide the ability to customise the hardware and software on offer.
Gagan Gupta (Android) — I like iOS on iPad more than iPhone. I expect my smartphone to be quick, customisable to my requirements and with easy file transfer options, and I get none of those with iPhones. I used the iPhone 6S Plus for a considerable amount of time, but I found the lack of Google integration cumbersome. Simple things like not being able to set icons the way you want is a big issue, and the same goes for its inability to give me a homescreen single-touch widget for my podcast player. Even though I don't use voice recognition very often, Google Now works when I ask it a question or ask it to do something. The only thing Siri is good for is sarcasm. 


Moment Will Let You Add a Third Lens to the iPhone 7 Plus

THE IPHONE 7 Plus has two lenses and two sensors built right into it. One of them captures a 28mm wide-angle field of view, just like a bunch of other phones. But the second lens is set at a more portrait-friendly 56mm, giving you built-in optical reach.

In other words, you may not need lens accessories to zoom in with Apple’s new dual-shooter. But if you already own some Moment lenses that you bought for the iPhone 6 and 6s, you can still use the company’s optics with the iPhone 7 Plus—and you might want to if you intend on capturing super-wide scenes and macro shots.

Moment’s system consists of a slick case—or a less-slick stick-on mount—for its lenses. When you use the case, it recognizes when each lens is mounted and launches the Moment app. There’s a shutter button built into the case so you don’t have to smudge up your screen while you’re shooting away.

According to Moment’s website, the company has been testing its lenses with the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, and they work well. Getting good results out of the iPhone 7’s single camera is the easy part. But what do you do for a camera that already has two lenses on it? Use a tiny pair of lens goggles?

Nah. The company is developing a case and a mount you can use with the iPhone 7 Plus, albeit only one of its two cameras: The wider, 28mm shooter on the left side of the back. They’re using 3D-printed mockup cases for their tests, so the design may change once it’s finalized, but the setup appears to block the iPhone 7 Plus’s 56mm module when a lens is mounted. So this is a lens you’ll want to attach only when you know it’s the only set of optics you want to shoot with.

There are three options that’ll be a good fit for the 7 Plus, and they each cost $100: The new Superfish Lens (15mm), the Wide Lens (18mm), and the Macro Lens (10x magnification). There’s also a 60mm Tele Lens for the same price, but if you use it with the iPhone 7 Plus, you’re essentially duplicating the focal length of its other lens, just with a bigger piece of glass.

But at this stage, there are two huge missing pieces of the puzzle. The new cases for the iPhone 7 lineup haven’t been announced yet, and the new stick-on mounts won’t be available until November. If you’re looking to squeeze the most out of your iPhone 7 camera’s performance, it’s probably best to wait until the case is available. But if you already have and love Moment’s lenses, know that help is on the way.


Apple iPhone awarded ‘gadget of the decade’ by T3 – but new handset loses out to Samsung

Samsung’s S7 Edge is the best phone of the year, according to a leading tech magazine, despite the fact that the company’s other handsets explode.

The company’s best-selling phone was crowned the phone of the year at the T3 awards, beating out its key rival the iPhone 7.

But Apple were also crowned, being given the gadget of the decade award for the iPad. That category, celebrating the awards’ 10th year, also included runners-up like the iPad, the PlayStation 3 and Netflix.


Man seen in video smashing iPhones with metal ball in an Apple 


Man seen in video smashing iPhones with metal ball in an Apple StoreApple allegedly did not honor the 2 year warranty applicable in the EUFollow-up videos also show him arguing with security personnel

The local media in France has reported a bizarre incident of a young man destroying Apple products inside an Apple Store in Dijon, France. The YouTube video uploaded by a patron present inside the store at the time, starts with the man calmly putting the iPhones on display flat on the table, before hitting them hard with what appears to be a metal ball, potentially shattering their screens and damaging their components.


#iphone #apple #macbookpro #jalvishack

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After Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Explosions, Is Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus Next? 

After Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Explosions, Is Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus Next?


Exploding smartphones seem to be the new sliced breadThis is the first report of an iPhone 7 Plus explosionThe user is said to be getting a new iPhone


#iphone7plus #apple #jalvishack

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Thursday 29 September 2016

Apple October event looks more likely as internet rumours hint at new Macbook

Apple spent a two-hour keynote introducing us to the iPhone 7 and Apple Watch series 2 earlier this month.

But the gigantic technology firm made no mention of its other hit products. Specifically, the Macbook Air, Macbook Pro and Macbook laptops, which are due a refresh.

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iPhone 7 case brings back the missing headphone jack – and doesn’t need an adapter

Fuze iPhone 7 case

Apple has been faced with plenty of backlash since controversially dropping the 3.5mm headphone jack from the iPhone 7.

But a solution has come in the form of a new case for the phone that’s currently trying to raise funds on crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.

The Fuze iPhone 7 case includes a 3.5mm headphone jack that means you won’t have to use wireless headphones or Apple’s fiddly adapter. Or drill a hole in your phone.

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Skype for iPhone and iPad now supports Siri and new iOS 10 features

Today a new version of Skype has been made available for iOS through the iTunes App Store. Skype 6.25 for Apple’s mobile operating system brings with it support for some new features and APIs found in iOS 10.
First off, there’s Siri. If your iDevice runs the latest iOS version, you can tell Siri to call someone through Skype. The only requirement is for that person to be among your Skype contacts. Siri may ask you to confirm she has the right person, and that’s it – your call will begin.
Speaking of contacts, the ones from Skype are now integrated with your phone book. This means you can message someone or start a video or voice call without first starting up Skype.
Finally, when someone calls you on Skype in iOS 10, you’ll see the same screens as for a regular phone call. This is a huge step towards better consistency among all possible calling options, and it’s slowly being adopted by all VoIP apps now that iOS 10 is out.

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Apple Tracks Who You’re Chatting Using iMessage — and Shares that Data with Police

Doing conversations with your friend on iMessage and thinking that they are safe and out of reach from anyone else other than you and your friend? No, it’s not.

End-to-end encryption doesn’t mean that your iMessages are secure enough to hide your trace because Apple not only stores a lot of information about your iMessages that could reveal your contacts and location, but even share that information with law enforcement via court orders.

According to a new document obtained by The Intercept, Apple records a log of which phone numbers you typed into their iPhone for a message conversation, along with the date and time when you entered those numbers as well as your IP address, which could be used to identify your location.

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This crazy iMessage app lets you prank friends by putting words in their mouth

Got iOS 10? Want to mess with your friends? A hilarious new iMessage App called Phoneys lets you prank others by sending stickers that look exactly like iMessage text bubbles. And thanks to the new layering feature in the updated version of iMessage, you can place these stickers – which say things like “My political views are totally wrong” or “I have terrible taste in music” – overtop your friend’s message to make it look like they texted these self-deprecating statements to you.
Yep, you can actually put words in your friend’s mouth, then laugh while they try to figure out if they’ve lost their mind, or their phone has been hacked.
Taking advantage of layering is what makes this new app so clever. In iOS 10, iMessage now lets you place stickers on top of incoming text messages, photos, GIFs or even other stickers. The idea is that you could react to a text with a sticker, you could decorate an incoming photo, or even take turns with friends making a sticker collage.
However, not everyone is aware of how stickers work in iOS 10 just yet, which gives you time to enjoy an app like Phoneys.
Here’s how it works. After downloading and installing Phoneys from the iMessage App Store, look for a text message you want to change. Scroll through the available “phoney” texts you want to replace that message with, and drag it on top of the original text.
There are a number of fake texts to pick from, ranging from more generic statements, like “you’re so smart,” or “you’re hilarious,” to those that may be more useful in specific discussions, like “you make this parenting thing look easy,” or “the sports team I pull for sucks,” for example.
For extra fun, just respond to the “phoney” text to continue the conversation, and watch as your friend reacts in confusion.
Phoneys’ creator Adam Howell, who works full-time as a remote employee for San Francisco-based Lithium, likes to develop apps in his free time. When iMessage stickers were announced this June at WWDC, he began working nights and weekends on his first pack, Guises.
Following Guises’ launch, Howell began trying out ideas of what to build next, he says.
“I noticed how you could completely cover up texts with stickers. I started joking with a friend that I could maybe make him say anything I wanted,” explains Howell. “So I made a couple quick stickers locally on my iPhone to test it out, and sure enough it worked.”
After tweeting out the idea last week, Howell says he received such positive feedback that he decided to get to work.
Now that Phoneys is live, Howell says he plans to release another set of stickers to expand the current collection some time next week, and he’s considering creating an app that will let people write their own “phoney” texts.
The app is a $0.99 download on the iMessage App Store, but even if you only use it once, you’ll get your money’s worth

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Wednesday 28 September 2016

Ola Gets Siri and Maps Integration for iOS 10 Users

One of iOS 10’s biggest new features was the opening up of the Siri voice-based virtual assistant to third-party apps. Alongside SiriKit, Apple also unveiled MapKit to allow third-party integration with Apple Maps. One of the first such integrations was with Uber, and now its biggest rival in India – Ola – has rolled out the same functionality, including Apple Maps support.
iPhone users running iOS 10 with the latest version of Ola can now ask Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, to book cabs for them. The update, which also includes Apple Maps integration, marks Ola’s growing focus on making cab booking even more accessible and convenient for iPhone users in India, Ola said in a statement.
“Using just their voice, iPhone users running iOS 10 can simply say, ‘Hey Siri, get me an Olacab’ to book their next ride,” it added.
“Technology is at the core of all our solutions aimed at providing enhanced mobility to our customers. Integrating our app with iOS 10 is a step towards redefining customer experience. We are proud to be one of the early adopters of Sirikit and Mapkit in the world,” Ola co-founder and CTO Ankit Bhati said.
With this update, Apple users will also get access to Ola directly from Apple Maps while searching for their destination, he added.

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Apple is pushing for a world without touch, but what lies beyond that world?

With the launch of the iPhone 7 and much-maligned AirPods, Apple is pushing us towards a world where physically interacting with our phones may be unnecessary. But what lies beyond that world?
It’s not just Apple of course, Amazon’s Alexa, Google Now, Cortana, they’re all aiming for a world where we spend less time clicking, scrolling or tapping and just talk to our devices. The idea does sound nice. Not having to constantly pull your phone out of your pocket to check the time or interact with a notification would be nice, as would placing calls or sending messages.
Isn’t saying, “Hey Siri, call mom” far easier than pulling your phone out of your pocket, unlocking it, tapping the dialer, searching for “mom” and then tapping on call? You can streamline the process a bit with shortcuts and widgets of course, but you get the idea.
What about PCs, however? Where do they fit in? The likes of Google Now and Siri are great on a phone, but I’m not sold on the idea for PC. I don’t know about you, but I find it far faster to type than to holler for Cortana every time I need something.
Are we going to be stuck on keyboard/mouse/touchpad forever, though? Maybe not.
Gesture recognition has been slowly but steadily picking up pace. With VR and AR around the corner, gestures might just take centre-stage over every other form of input in the future.
Apple seems to be working on gesture-recognition technology of its own. It recently patented a “3D depth-mapping” technology that involves lasers and eye-tracking. Apple has been working on similar technology since 2009 and in 2013, bought PrimeSense, the company behind the Kinect’s tracking system.
Intel’s RealSense has been in the business a long time, Microsoft already has some form of gesture tracking with stereo cameras in the HoloLens and the likes of LeapMotion and Tobii’s EyeX have been working on bringing gestures to a PC near you.
With the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, tracking position and gestures is an integral part of making up a truly immersive experience.
If you’ve not used gestures before, let me just tell you that they are amazing, but only when they work. I’ve tried RealSense and LeapMotion myself and have experimented a bit with head and hand tracking. While finicky and temperamental, the setups proved to be very freeing.
Interactions feel more natural and intuitive. Unlike a regular keyboard and mouse, which we’ve simply gotten used to, swiping away a notification or scrolling through a page just felt like a more natural experience. In games, that feeling of freedom is vastly enhanced.
You’re not locked to a fixed perspective. You won’t realise how much more natural it is to drive a virtual car and glance at a mirror or track a corner with a simple head movement till you actually try it.
Gestures don’t stop there of course. Imagine controlling a TV with gestures. No remote, no hassles. If you’ve used a good air remote, you know what I’m talking about. Could this extend to smart homes? Why not? Alexa and Siri can already control your home, after all.
Gesture controls don’t work very well right now. The right hardware is expensive, fine-tuning is a pain at times and there just isn’t enough to do with the technology, but it will eventually get there.
I eagerly await the day that gestures go mainstream. Maybe then I can finally fulfil myMinority Report fantasies.

from WordPress

Tuesday 27 September 2016

iOS 10 Airplane Mode could lead the phone never to get phone signal again, reports claim

Apple is said to be investigating the claims, though some may be fixed just by restarting the handset

Turning on Airplane Mode might mean never getting it back on again, according to people suffering from a new bug.
People switching on the mode – meant as a temporary way – appear to be finding that it stops them getting signal back. Some report that the problem is fixed by restarting their phone, but others are finding that they have to swap their phone for a new one at the Apple Store.
The exact cause of the issue isn’t clear, and so it isn’t possible to say how many people may suffer from it – though it seems to be very few – or whether it’s possible to stop it from happening. It also isn’t clear whether it is an issue with the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus specifically, or if the problem is iOS 10.
Apple has told authorised repair businesses that they should tell customers to restart the affected phone, according to documents seen by MacRumors. And if that doesn’t work, people are advised to remove and then re-insert the phone’s SIM card.

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iPhone 7 Jailbreak Has Already Been Achieved In Just 24 Hours!

 It has only been a few days since the launch of Apple’s brand new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, but it appears that the new iPhone has already been jailbroken.

That didn’t take long. Right?

Security researcher and well-known hacker Luca Tedesco shared an image of his jailbroken smartphone on his Twitter account to show off the world that the new iPhone 7 has been jailbroken.

The image posted by Tedesco on Wednesday clearly shows an iPhone 7 running both iOS 10.0.1 as well as the Cydia app store, which allows jailbreakers to install apps and other software that Apple does not officially support.

Unfortunately, Tedesco has not publically released the exploit, nor he has provided much information about it. So, right now, it is hard to say if and when he will release the iPhone 7 jailbreak to the public.

It is also not clear whether the exploit is an untethered jailbreak.

The untethered jailbreak is a jailbreak where your device doesn’t require any reboot every time it connects to an external device capable of executing commands on the device.

Eventually, there is no tool available yet that you can use to jailbreak your device, but the good news is that a jailbreak has already been developed, which suggests that it’s indeed possible to jailbreak iPhone 7.
So, early buyers looking to jailbreak their iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus and install unauthorized Cydia tweaks have to wait until firms like Pangu or someone else come up with the same exploit.

Pangu is the same Chinese jailbreak team that released the first untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.

Since it is not good news for Apple, the company would likely block the vulnerability used to develop iPhone 7 jailbreak in its next iOS update, of course.

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