Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Amazing little rescue drone can prevent people from drowning

Swimming is an art and not everyone can master it immediately.. it takes time. Some people find it very difficult to stay afloat and to help amateur swimmers, Microdrones in collaboration with the German Lifeguard Association has developed a low-flying drone.

According to the German Lifeguard Associations’ (GLA) Robert Rink, “One of the greatest obstacles to rescuing a drowning swimmer is that they panic and we often can’t reach them in time. After seeing what I saw here today, I have no doubt that drones will play a significant role in the near future of water rescue – and that we’ll see fewer fatalities as a result.”

The purpose of this drone is to help people stay above the surface of the water. It carries a self-inflating flotation device called the RESTUBE, which it drops as soon as it becomes airborne. This device helps the swimmer survive until the lifeguards approach and drag him/her back to the shoreline. The drone’s job is also to alert the lifeguard.


Friday 30 September 2016

Thursday 29 September 2016

Facebook, Amazon, Google, IBM and Microsoft come together to create historic Partnership on AI

The world’s largest technology companies hold the keys to some of the largest databases on our planet. Much like goods and coins before it, data is becoming an important currency for the modern world. The data’s value is rooted in its applications to artificial intelligence. Whichever company owns the data, effectively owns AI. Right now that means companies like Facebook, Amazon, Alphabet, IBM and Microsoft have a ton of power.

In an act of self-governance, these five companies came together today to announce the launch the new Partnership on AI. The group is tasked with conducting research and promoting best practices. Practically, this means that the group of tech companies will come together frequently to discuss advancements in artificial intelligence. The group also opens up a formal structure for communication across company lines. It’s important to remember that on a day-to-day basis, these teams are in constant competition with each other to develop the best products and services powered by machine intelligence.

Financial support will be coming from the initial tech companies that are members of the group, but in the future, membership and involvement is expected to increase. User activists, nonprofits, ethicists and other stakeholders will be joining the discussion in the coming weeks.

“We want to involve people impacted by AI as well,” said Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder and head of applied AI at DeepMind, a subsidiary of Alphabet.

The organizational structure has been designed to allow non-corporate groups to have equal leadership side-by-side with large tech companies.

As of today’s launch, companies like Apple, Twitter, Intel and Baidu are missing from the group. Though Apple is said to be enthusiastic about the project, their absence is still notable because the company has fallen behind in artificial intelligence when compared to its rivals — many of which are part of this new group.

The new organization really seems to be about promoting change by example. Rather than preach to the tech world, it wants to use a standard open license to publish research on topics, including ethics, inclusivity and privacy.

“The power of AI is in the enterprise sector,” said Francesca Rossi, an AI ethics researcher at IBM Research. “For society at-large to get the benefits of AI, we first have to trust it.”

The focus of the organization is a refreshing juxtaposition to more pop-culture discussions about the risks of artificial intelligence. While the jury is still out as to whether a singularity event could threaten mankind, we already face a long list of challenges in today’s world of AI. While computers are not at a point yet where they can take all of our jobs, they can amplify the negative tendencies that humans already possess. A biased world can result in biased data sets and, in turn, bias artificial intelligence frameworks.

To combat this, companies like Microsoft have already formed AI ethics advisory boards. But, rather than override existing efforts, the new group augments projects already undertaken at individual companies and provides a forum for sharing valuable advice. The group plans to make discussions and minutes from meetings publicly available.

Additional reporting done by Josh Constine.

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