Friday 7 October 2016

Apricity: Slip Into Something More Comfortable

Apricity OS a great, two-pronged Linux distro that recently reached a milestone that will ensure its continued success.

Apricity's first public beta, which was GNOME-only, was released more than a year ago. A choice of either the GNOME or Cinnamon desktops later became available in the monthly development snapshot releases.

This rolling release delivery method already provided a pleasant computing experience. Both desktop versions performed well. Each monthly build brought more functionality. I have not experienced any stability issues with the continuing stream of beta releases.

However, you can download something even better than an ongoing series of beta releases: Apricity OS 7.2016 Aspen is the first ever stable release of this distro. Alex Gajewski's development team accomplished this feat with the Aug. 6 release.

Apricity OS is a U.S.-based Arch Linux derivative distro that comes with two well-integrated, trimmed down and simplified desktop versions in 64-bit architecture.

Apricity OS is one of only a few Linux distros that feature the ICE site-specific browser to integrate Web apps into the desktop environment. It offers a unique approach to launching access to favorite online locations without the menu baggage and clutter often displayed in a full Web browser.



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