Showing posts with label iphone hacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iphone hacks. Show all posts

Saturday 17 September 2016

Apple just killed one of the best battery saving hacks for your iPhone

Assuming that IOS10 didn’t brick your iPhone or iPad — but you probably didn’t know that Apple has quietly killed off one of the neatest — and least-known — battery life hacks.

If you’re anything like me and want to squeeze as much juice as possible from your iPhone’s battery (without carrying around an external power pack — which too needs to be charged) then you might switch the location/GPS setting off. That one thing — alongside conservative use of Bluetooth and WiFi — is endorsed by people who know Apple best for extending battery life, but it is frustrating. Having to dive into the settings menu and find the ‘location services’ option for the time you actually need GPS for Google Maps, Yelp, etc, is a major pain, while that option isn’t part of the swipe-up menu where you can access WiFi, Bluetooth and other settings .

That’s where Launcher, an app that lets you slip app shortcuts into the pull-down ‘Notification’ center, comes into play.

It is essentially a quick way to launch not only apps, but also system settings such the ‘Location Services’ menu where you toggle GPS/location on and off. One swipe down and a tap is an easy way to switch off the GPS setting and conserve a lot of your power.

Unfortunately, iOS 10 has removed the option to include system settings inside launcher apps, so this masterful battery hack no longer exists.

“Apple has released the iOS 10 final candidate and they did not restore this functionality and these system apps are still not launchable. This is disappointing, but it is still possible that Apple could restore this functionality in an update to iOS 10 in the future,” Cromulent Labs, the company behind Launcher, explained in a blog post.

The FBI Missed an Easier Trick to Hack the San Bernardino Shooter’s iPhone

The FBI explained to congress that the hack it performed on the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone couldn’t have been done if it was not for Apple’s help.

However the claims have been refuted by a researcher from Cambridge University, Sergei Skorobogatov. He said all they needed were simple parts that they could obtain from any electronics shop.

Trail Bits, an electronics security firm stated that hacking the iPhone is possible by replacing its firmware with a chip that allows you to try multiple password entries at once without getting blocked.

This would allow you to try as many passwords as necessary until you get the right one. This would take you a day if the password has 4 digits, or a week if it has 6 digits.

Despite what the government said about the NAND mirroring for iPhone 5c, the method has been shown to work.

But that does not mean this is something any lay person can pull off. Brute-forcing a password with special tools that try all the possible codes is quite easy. However, the iPhone blocks anything beyond the fourth attempt. If you try up to ten times, the phone gets wiped.

The FBI has said that the method proposed by Trail Bits is not practical. However Skorobogatov has shown that is can work. The only difficult part of the procedure is removing the NAND.
You will need a thin blade knife, and to make the epoxy that holds the chip loose, the temperature has to be around 300 degrees Celsius. You would also have to be careful to not destroy the chip permanently.
Skorobogatov proceeded to create a copy of the NAND in its virgin state and put it on a test board. Upon attempting to unlock it 6 times, the NAND is restored to its original state using the copy stored on the test board.  
In this way, six password can be tried in 90 seconds. This translates to 40 hours for you to attempt all the possible password which are 1667 in total.
The news has to some extent confirmed what was claimed by critics of the FBI, that the bureau, in its attempt to legally coerce Apple into hacking their encryption, was only trying to set a legal precedence that would allow them to make other corporations do the same in similar cases in the future.
The FBI only dropped its pursuit after much outcry from the public and different organizations.

Friday 16 September 2016

Changing Time and Date setting to Jan 1, 1970 will brick your iPhone

A simple bug in iPhone founded by Zach Straley on YouTube shows that if you set the time and date to January 1, 1970 will brick your iPhone.

The iOS device will fail to boot, stuck at display of Apple logo.
