Showing posts with label Joanna Glasner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joanna Glasner. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Early stage VC holds up (even as late stage plunges)

moneygrowth Venture capital investment has slowed in the third quarter, but estimates reliant on data available at quarters’ end overstate the extent of early stage declines. According to projected funding totals from Crunchbase, early stage investment in U.S. startups held up at historically high levels in the third quarter.  Seed, venture capital and strategic investors are on pace to invest… Read More

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Full speed ahead for transport VCs

City traffic at night Transportation investment has moved into the fast lane. Venture and growth investing in transport-related companies accelerated in the third quarter, fueled by momentum in the autonomous driving and ride-hailing spaces, as well as the prospect of big acquisitions. VCs and seed investors poured more than $6.2 billion into more than 150 companies across the globe with transportation-related… Read More