Saturday 1 October 2016

Google AI Gives More Context to Chinese-to-English Translations

Rearch at Google on Tuesday launched Google Neural Machine Translation system, now in production with Chinese to English — “a notoriously difficult language pair,” according to Quoc V. Le and Mike Schuster, research scientists on the Google Brain Team.

GNMT already is powering the Google Translate mobile and Web apps for 18 million or so Chinese to English translations daily.

Google will roll out GNMT to the rest of the 10,000 language translation pairs its Google Translate service supports in the coming months.

For English to French or German translations, GNMT achieves “competitive results” to the state of the art, Le and Schuster noted in a blog post.

A human side-by-side evaluation on a set of isolated simple sentences found GNMT reduces translation errors by an average of 60 percent compared to Google’s phrase-based translation system.

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