Sunday 25 September 2016

Turn Your Desktop into a Touch Screen!!!

Wonder, if you can change your desktop screen into a touch screen with minimal investment? Well, it is possible. Your desktop screen can now be turned into a fully touch screen, but that would not be a finger touch; it would be a pen touch. Recently, a new pen is introduced which can be used by you for moving your hands freely over your desktop.

The pen is quite useful in the situations where you need to demonstrate something. The pen is named as Apen touch 8 and it’s been quite popular for teaching purposes in particular. As with you cannot only point things over the desktop but can carry other function too.

The pen comes with a USB which is used for providing signals to the pen. After fitting the USB into the USB port you can freely move the pen over the screen for carrying out regular mouse functions. When you input the USB into the system, USB through infrared beams provide signals to the pen to carry out the functions it is programmed for.

The pen only costs $80, but, it is worthwhile for the people who regularly deal in providing presentations. One of the salient features of this pen is that it runs on watch battery which can last up to 500 hours, means you can use it for long duration without charging.



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