Sunday 18 September 2016

Sony PS5: what will PlayStation 5 be like and when will we see it?

PS5: what does the future hold for PlayStation 5?

Previously it was easy to predict what might be coming with the next PlayStation. We could have made a reasonable guess that the PS5 would arrive around six years after the PS4, that it would feature some beefed up internals, and that it would probably feature some refinements to Sony's operating system.

And then the PS4 Pro happened.

Yes, Sony's mid-generation console upgrade to the PS4 has changed everything we've come to expect from console generations, and alongside Microsoft's Project Scorpio it's ushering in a new era in games consoles.

Instead of mammoth releases every six years, we might start to see a smartphone-style model, where new consoles come out every two or three years, with more minor improvements that allow them to maintain backwards and forwards compatibility in their game libraries.

This development casts doubt on whether we'll actually end up seeing a 'proper' PlayStation 5

There's a chance the PlayStation 5 will be the big, component-packed box we've grown accustomed to heating our living rooms. But it also could be a palm-sized streaming device or dive even deeper into the world of game streaming skipping traditional hardware systems altogether. There are a half-dozen equally likely scenarios about how Sony can change its system, however, if we were a betting site, it's unlikely that the PS5 will change too much.

Why? Sony isn't big on change.

Gazing back 20 years to the original PlayStation and its successors - yes, you're that old - it's fascinating how little really changed until the internet explosion of the last few years.

That puts the PS5 in a strange position. When the time comes for a new system in the next five to 10 years, will Sony take this opportunity to change its platform forever or will it stick to its guns?

Here's what Sony needs to place at the top of the priority list for its next system.


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