Wednesday 28 September 2016

List of best Google Now commands and easter eggs

General Google Now commands
•    How old is …?
•    Where was … born?
•    Define … (Or “What does … mean?”)
•    What time is it in …?
•    Search for … [surfing tips]
•    Show me pictures of …
•    Do I need an umbrella today? What’s the weather like? What’s the weather in … [this weekend]?
•    What the … stock price? What is … trading at?
•    What’s [60 kilometres] in [miles]? What is [12 stone] in [kilograms]?
•    What’s [256] divided by [8]?
•    Search [YouTube] for [cat videos] (more apps are added regularly)

Device control commands

•    Open []
•    Take a picture (or “Take a photo”)
•    Record a video
•    Open [Deezer]
•    Turn on/off [Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Flashlight]

Productivity commands

•    Top of Form
•    Bottom of Form
•    What’s the tip for [70 dollars]?
•    Set an alarm for …
•    Set a timer for …
•    Create a calendar event [Dinner with Chris, Saturday at 7pm.]
•    Remind me to … (or “Set a reminder”)
•    What is my schedule for tomorrow? (or What does my day look like [Friday]?)
•    Where’s my package? (tracking confirmation must be in Gmail)
•    Make a note: (also try “Note to self”)
•    Find … [phone number] (Works other contact – addresses, birthdays, etc.)
•    Show me my bills  (or “My bills due this week”)

Communication commands

•    Show me my last messages
•    Call … (also works with relationships: Call [sister])
•    Call … on speakerphone
•    Text … (followed by message)
•    Send email to [Jim Martin], subject … , message … 
•    Post to … [Twitter]: (followed by text)
•    What is French for …?
•    [Send a Hangout message] to …
•    Send a [Whatsapp] message to [Matt] (followed by message)

Navigation and travel commands

•    Where is the nearest … [Italian restaurant]?
•    Navigate to … 
•    Directions to … by [bike] (also try “Directions home” or “How do I get home?”)
•    Where is …?
•    Show me the menu for …
•    Call …
•    Show me my flight info
•    Where’s my hotel?
•    What are some attractions around here?
•    How do you say … in … ?
•    What is … [100 pounds] in … [dollars]?
•    What’s the flight status of … [VS8]?
•    Show me restaurants near my hotel

Entertainment commands

•    Play … [solitaire] (also try tic-tac-toe)
•    Play some music (opens ‘I’m feeling lucky’ radio station in Google Play Music)
•    Next Song/Pause Song
•    Play … [Happy] (songs must be in Google Play Music on your device)
•    Watch [Inception] (movies and TV must be in your Google Play account)
•    What’s this song?
•    Listen to TV
•    What songs does … [Pharrell] sing?
•    Read … [Hunger Games]
•    Did the … [Giants] win today? What’s the score in the [Warriors] game?
•    What movies are playing … [tonight]? Where is … [Star Wars] playing?

Sports commands

•    Say a team name to get the latest score during the season
•    When is the next … game?
•    Where are the … in the standings?
•    Who does … play for?
•    Who won … [the Superbowl]?
•    When is the … [Stanley Cup final]?

Google Now easter eggs

Many of these deliver funny voice responses, but normal search results so turn up your volume.
•    What sounds does a … make?
•    Flip a coin
•    Roll dice
•    What is the loneliest number?
•    Do a barrel roll!
•    Askew / Tilt
•    Go go Gadget [Spotify]
•    When am I?
•    Make me a sandwich
•    Sudo make me a sandwich
•    Who’s on first?
•    Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right
•    Tell me a joke
•    Who are you?
•    Beam me up, Scotty!
•    What is [Jennifer Lawrence’s] Bacon number?

from WordPress


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